Monstera Adansonii Care Guide

Monstera adansonii, common name: Swiss Cheese Vine

Plant Care Cheat Sheet

Difficulty Level: Medium
Light Requirements: Bring indirect light
Humidity Requirements: Room humidity okay, prefers high

The Monstera adansonii is a great addition to any plant collection. Famous for it's beautiful fenestrations, adansonii are a smaller, vining variety of Monstera which comes in many forms. (Pictured below are narrow form adansonii).

While most adansonii are pretty easy to come by these days, there is a variegated form of adansonii which is more rare.

The plant is a fast grower when in the right conditions, and can quickly take over any space. Andaonsii can either be a hanging vine, or climb up a pole or wall. Adansonii have very stick aerial roots which will grab onto anything!

Monstera adansonii plant


Monstera adanonsii can survive in medium-low light conditions. (Keep in mind, low light does not mean no light!) However, a like most Monstera will really thrive in bright indirect light. Adaonsii leaves are much smaller than Monstera Deliciosa but will grow larger and more beautiful if exposed to more light.

However, you'll want to avoid direct sun light. Too much sun will burn or bleach pothos leafs. Yellow or browning leaves may be a sign of too much direct sun.

If your start to see your pothos plant becoming "leggy" (long spaces between the leaves), reaching for the light, or producing small juvenile leaves, it may not be getting enough light.

Monstera adansonii leaf (narrow form)

Watering and Humidity

Water your adansonii when the top inch or so of soil feels dry to the touch. If you're not sure if your plant needs water, wait until the leaves feel thin and droopy. Water thoroughly until water runs out of the bottom of the pot.

Be sure your Monstera adansonii is planted in well-draining soil in a pot with drainage. Monsteras do well in a glazed clay or plastic pot. I would not recommend a terracotta pot.

If you notice many leaves yellowing at once this may be a sign of over watering and root rot.

Monstera can survive lower humidity, but will be much happier with higher levels (above 50%). I use this humidity meter to ensure I am providing enough moisture to my humidity-loving plants.

Young propagated Monstera adansonii plant

Propagation and Pruning

Propagating adansonii is incredibly easy. Simply take a stem cutting below a node (the bump on the stem from where the leaf grows) and plop the stem in water.

Monstera adansonii cuttings rooting in water

When the cutting has developed a decent root system (a few inches), plant the cuttings in soil. Keep the soil moist while the plant adjusts.

You may re-pot the rooted cuttings back into the mother plant to maintain a bushier plant.

You may want to regularly prune this plant to keep it from getting too leggy, or encourage branching on the vines.

Young propagated Monstera adansonii plant

Warning: Dangerous to pets

All Monstera varieties are poisonous to cats and dogs. It chewed, it may cause oral irritation, excessive drooling, vomiting, or difficulty swallowing.

Unfurling Monstera adansonii leaf