Jade Plant Care Guide

Crassula ovata

Plant Care Cheat Sheet

Difficulty Level: Easy
Light Requirements: Bright light, full sun okay
Humidity Requirements: Room humidity okay

The Jade plant (Crassula ovata) is a beautiful and easy succulent to grow. Although it is a slower grower, its juicy leaves and bonsai abilities make it a classic. The Jade is native to South Africa and Mozambique where it grows as a shrub.

Jade plant (Crassula ovata) 


Jade plants need bright sunlight during most of the day. They can be grown outside in full sun if properly acclimated - however don't put it directly in the full sun if your plant is used to growing indoors. Slowly move it closer and closer to the sun so your plant can acclimate without causing burn damage on the leaves.

The Jade may develop red coloration on the leaves if exposed to too much sun. If it becomes "leggy" (too much space between the leaves), this means it is stretching to find light and needs more sun.

Jade plants enjoy an unblocked Southern or Western exposure, right next to the window where they can soak up the sun.

The Western exposure window where I keep my Jade gets direct afternoon sun


The Jade plant has evolved to be drought resistant, and does not need watering often - depending on how much sun it gets. The best way to tell when a Jade plant is thirsty is by feeling the leaves. The leaves will feel less plump and begin to shrivel like raisins when they are dry. If you tend to over-water your plants, wait until the Jade tells you it's thirsty before watering to avoid root rot!

The size and type of pot your Jade is in will also impact its watering requirements. Our guide on choosing the right pot for your houseplant covers this in more detail, however I always recommend potting succulents in terracotta to help wick away extra moisture.

My Jade gets bright direct afternoon sun from a Western exposure, and is in a medium-sized terracotta pot. I typically water it every other week in the Spring-Fall. It will need less water in the Winter months.

Jade, like most other succulents, will be fine in standard room humidity.

Propagating Jade

Jade can be propagated from leaf or branch cuttings in soil. Follow our Succulent Propagation 101 guide for more details on cloning you Jade plant.

Jade plants can be propagated via branch cuttings or leaves

Toxic to pets!

Jade is toxic to pets and humans when consumed, so keep out of reach of fur babies or children.